понедельник, 13 октября 2014 г.

Perfection in warm neutral color scheme

Perfection in warm neutral color scheme

I have been extremely occupied by interior projects and enjoying summer recently and posts here appear with much longer intervals they used to. But this perfect little apartment in Stockholm decorated in neutral color scheme and styled to perfection by talented interior stylist Josefin Hååg is too good not to post here. This soft and light color palette mixed with warm wooden floors and wooden furniture gives this space an amazingly light and bright yet so cozy and balanced feel. Also, love the framed kitchen cabinets with golden knob handles, so pretty!

Viimasel ajal on mu enda sisekujundusprojektid ja suve nautimine mind hoolega blogist eemal hoidnud ja postitustes tulevad märksa pikemad vahed sisse kui ma sooviksin. Aga see armas ühetoaline Stockholmi korter meeldib mulle lihtsalt liiga palju et sellest siia mitte märki maha jätta. Kujundatud heledates soojades neutraalsetes toonides hoolikalt valitud mööbli ja sisustusdetailidega, jätab see armas kodu hoolimata oma vähestest ruutmeetritest väga avara mulje. Ja oi kuidas mulle meeldivad viimasel ajal need lihtsad liistudeta profiiliga uksed, mida ka selles köögis kasutatud on – traditsiooniline ent samas kaasaegne kujundus.

// styling by Josefin Hååg, photos from Fantastik Frank //

Still life on a String shelf. Delicate yellow poppies in a Marimekko Flower vase.
Still life on a String shelf. Delicate yellow poppies in a Marimekko Flower vase.

moodboard with warm neutrals, beige, light brown and with metal touch

Original article and pictures take decordots.com site

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